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--------- ‘Hasiera Bat’ (Un comienzo) es el primer disco que GORKA URBIZU firma con su propio nombre. Tras una singladura de 25 años al frente de Berri Txarrak, el músico navarro apuesta por la belleza y la crudeza, y nos propone un viaje al propio corazón de la canción. Huyendo de cualquier tentación de ir sumando capas y capas de sonido, el autor elige...
This is a limited hand-numbered picture disc vinyl edition. If you play this vinyl with the proper light and speed, you'll experience the ZOETROPE optical illusion and you'll be able to see several images of the recording sesions of the album. This way you'll get deeper into the 'Hasiera Bat' universe. ***(PRE-ORDER:Get your signed copy at home, by March...
‘Hasiera Bat’ (Un comienzo) es el primer disco que GORKA URBIZU firma con su propio nombre. Tras una singladura de 25 años al frente de Berri Txarrak, el músico navarro apuesta por la belleza y la crudeza, y nos propone un viaje al propio corazón de la canción. Huyendo de cualquier tentación de ir sumando capas y capas de sonido, el autor elige la vía...
7 Inc vinyl. Limited Edition! PRE ORDER now, receive it in March 2025.A) Herri Txiki B) Etorkizuna Ginenean (feat. Gorka Leihotikan)
Debut album by BERRI TXARRAK was first released in 1997 in CD and cassette formats. Now, label Only In Dreams is releasing it on vinyl for the very first time. This is the first step of a legendary discography that took this band to the top.A :1. Itxaropena agortzen2. Lotsarik gabe3. Ardifiziala4. Haurtzaroa lapurtu zidaten5. Tortura nonnahi B :1. Zauri...
(2009, produced by Steve Albini)A side:1. Folklore 2. Gure dekadentziaren onenean 3. Maravillas 4. Dortoken mendean 5. Achtung!!! 6. Payola B side:1. Paperezkoa 2. Etorkizuneko aurrekari guztiak 3. Hasi eta bukatu 4. Arren, Darwish 5. Jainko ateoa
Even if the original recording was released in 1999, this is the first time we can enjoy this BERRI TXARRAK's masterpiece on vinyl. More than two decades later, label Only In Dreams is releasing simultaneously two different editions of this vinyl: one special edition called DELUXE 500 (500 hand-numbered copies, SOLD OUT), and this one, the STANDARD...
ESKUAK / UKABILAK *Grey colored vinyl. © 2022 Only In Dreams
2011-2021: HARIA turns 10. This is the first album in which Berri Txarrak got to work with legendary producer Ross Robinson. Featuring Matt Sharp on backing vocals on the track 'FAQ'. Band's label Only In Dreams is releasing an special vinyl edition now, with brand new design including a live picture by photographer Tom Hagen (taken during the band's...
A/1. Zertarako amestu 2. Berba eta irudia 3. Oreka 4. Iparra galdu: Hegora joan 5. Jaio.Musika.Hil 6. Onak eta txarrak B/1. Iraultza Txikien Asanblada 2. Bueltatzen 3. Kezkak 4. Isiltzen banaiz 5. Breyten 6. Gelaneuria
Steps to proceed to the download once acquired: 1. Sign in and go to your order history. 2. Select the order that contains the single and once opened, press the red arrow to download the file. 3. You will find a .ZIP file (usually it is located in "Downloads" folder) that you have to unzip to use the MP3 file.
Blue transparent 180 gr. vinyl, limited edition. (c) Only In Dreams, 2018 Track-list: A/1- Hil nintzen eguna2- Espero zaitzaket3- Izena, izana, ezina4- Pintadek5- Emazten fabore II B/1- Kanta goibelak2- Ez naiz aldatuko (esan zuen kamaleoiak)3- Denak ez du balio*4- Irailak 105- LIbre ©6- Gezur bat mila aldiz *Featuring Tim McIlrath from RISE AGAINST
Steps to proceed to the download once acquired: 1. Sign in and go to your order history. 2. Select the order that contains the album and once opened, press the red arrow to download the file. 3. You will find a .ZIP file (usually it is located in "Downloads" folder) that you have to unzip to use the MP3 files.
Blood Red transparent 140 gr. vinyl, limited edition. Produced by Bill Stevenson & Jason Livermore (c) Only In Dreams, 2017 Track-list: A/1- Dardararen bat2- Zuri3- Infrasoinuak4- Spoiler!5- Zaldi zauritua B/1- Beude2- Hozkia3- Sed lex4- Katedral bat5- Zorionaren lobbya
Digipack. Produced by Bill Stevenson & Jason Livermore (c) Only In Dreams, 2017 Track-list: 1- Dardararen bat2- Zuri3- Infrasoinuak4- Spoiler!5- Zaldi zauritua6- Beude7- Hozkia8- Sed lex9- Katedral bat10- Zorionaren lobbya
(2017 ONLY IN DREAMS, recorded by Santi Garcia, produced by Berri Txarrak) 140 gr. magenta vinyl A/Bakarrik Egoteko (new song) B/Belaunaldi bat (cover)
Steps to proceed to the download once acquired: 1. Sign in and go to your order history. 2. Select the order that contains the single and once opened, press the red arrow to download the file. 3. You will find a .ZIP file (usually it is located in "Downloads" folder) that you have to unzip to use the MP3 files.
(2005, produced by Ed Rose / Karlos Osinaga) 140 gr. transparent vinyl A/1. Zertarako amestu 2. Berba eta irudia 3. Oreka 4. Iparra galdu: Hegora joan 5. Jaio.Musika.Hil 6. Onak eta txarrak B/1. Iraultza Txikien Asanblada 2. Bueltatzen 3. Kezkak 4. Isiltzen banaiz 5. Breyten 6. Gelaneuria
A triple EP featuring 20 brand new songs: here’s what BERRI TXARRAK’s most anticipated new project will bring, being “Time is The Only Polygraph” the translation of the title. We truly believe music is a non-stop search though, so this time we went further and divided those 20 songs in three parts: three recording sessions, each one with a different...
SUTXAKURRAK1- Lanbroan2- Ordaina3- Alegia4- Zimelkor5- Armak6- Etsia7- Sutxakurrak HELDULEKU GUZTIAK1- Aditu bihurtuak2- Bigarren itzala3- Lemak, aingurak4- Poligrafo bakarra5- Bele erraldoia6- Helduleku guztiak7- 26 segundotan XAKE-MATE KULTURAL BAT1- Zerbait asmatuko dugu2- Hemen sukaldarien herrian3- Orain norbait zara4- Hitzen oinarri ahula5-...
(2011, Kaiowas Records, produced by Ross Robinson) A side:1. Sugea suge 2. Albo-kalteak 3. Haria 4. Guda 5. Lepokoak 6. Iraila B side:1. Harra 2. Makuluak 3. FAQ (Feat. Matt Sharp) 4. Non bestela 5. Soilik agur 6. Lehortzen
(2011, Kaiowas Records, produced by Ross Robinson) 1. Sugea suge 2. Albo-kalteak 3. Haria 4. Guda 5. Lepokoak 6. Iraila 7. Harra 8. Makuluak 9. FAQ (Feat. Matt Sharp) 10. Non bestela 11. Soilik agur 12. Lehortzen
(2009, Roadrunner / Only In Dreams, produced by Steve Albini)1. Folklore 2. Gure dekadentziaren onenean 3. Maravillas 4. Dortoken mendean 5. Achtung!!! 6. Payola 7. Paperezkoa 8. Etorkizuneko aurrekari guztiak 9. Hasi eta bukatu 10. Arren, Darwish 11. Jainko ateoa
(2005, Gor, produced by Ed Rose / Karlos Osinaga) 1. Zertarako amestu 2. Berba eta irudia 3. Oreka 4. Iparra galdu: Hegora joan 5. Jaio.Musika.Hil 6. Onak eta txarrak 7. Iraultza Txikien Asanblada 8. Bueltatzen 9. Kezkak 10. Isiltzen banaiz 11. Breyten 12. Gelaneuria
(2003, GOR) 1. Hil nintzen eguna 2. Espero zaitzaket 3. Izena, izana, ezina 4. Pintadek 5. Emazten fabore II 6. Kanta goibelak 7. Ez naiz aldatuko (esan zuen kamaleoiak) 8. Denak ez du balio (feat. Tim from RISE AGAINST) 9. Irailak 10 10. Libre © 11. Gezur bat mila aldiz
(2001, GOR, produced by Kaki Arkarazo)1. Oihu 2. Ebidenteegia 3. Ez dut nahi 4. Pangea 5. Biziraun 6. Zirkua 7. SMT (Shitty Music Tavern) 8. Lehia 9. Mundua begiratzeko leihoak 10. Stereo 11. Hil baino lehenago 12. Eskuak 13. Ukabilak
(1999, GOR, produced by H. Harreguy)1. Ikasten 2. Iritsi 3. Soberan 4. Off 5. Ez 6. Aspaldian utzitako zelda 7. Betiko leloaren betiko leloa 8. Izebergaren punta 9. Biluzik 10. Minutu bat 11. Ikusi arte
(1997, GOR, Produced by J. San Martin) 1. Itxaropena agortzen 2. Lotsarik gabe 3. Ardifiziala 4. Haurtzaroa lapurtu zidaten 5. Tortura nonnahi 6. Zauri irekietako herria 7. Hezkuntza ustela 8. Nortasuna eraikitzen 9. Adierazi beharra 10. 500 urte ta gero… 11. 1.512 12. Eskerrak